Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good but busy month and a half in El Cajon

The day to get back on the road has finally come. We'll be rolling out of here, north to Hot Springs South Dakota before the roosters crow in the morning. Kori, Jamie and the boys (daughter, son-in-law and grand kids) dropped by yesterday. Was so good to see them before we leave for the summer. We're gonna miss them, all of our San Diego area friends, and especially Virgil and Ruth who we've spent the last month and a half with.  
We've gotten so much accomplished while we've been here...and Virgil and I have both learned a thing or two about wood work. A day or two after we arrived in El Cajon, Linda and I began a remodel job on our trailer. We ripped out the couch, table, benches and carpet, so we could build new work stations for each of us. With Virgil's knowledge of wood work...and his woodshop, I was able with his assistance, to design, manufacture and install Linda's sewing table/work station as well as my radio shack/computer station. The entire job was completed using only two sheets of 1/2" Birch plywood, a bunch of screws, every "L" bracket in town, less than a quart of stain and a quart of polyurethane. In the next few weeks, we'll have it all completed.The following are pic's of our newly remodeled slide.

After Virgil and I completed the remodel on our trailer, we built a table/cabinet for Ruth's quilting machine..and it's 11' long. Becuase of the cabinet's size and the limited amount of time Linda and I had before our scheduled departure, this job was a real challenge! Bunches of sweat and laughter later, we finished it. Below is how it turned out. The finished product.

THere's a lot more I'd like to tell you about our time here, but I've got to get to bed. 4:am is only a few hours away...we'll keep you posted of our travels.